Performance Evaluation of Signaling in the IP QoS System

Tarasiuk, H; Śliwiński, J; Arabas, P; Jaskóła, P; Góralski, W

  • Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology;
  • Tom: 3;
  • Strony: 12-20;
  • 2011;

The IP QoS System is based on next generation networks (NGN) and differentiated services (DiffServ) archi-tectures. Its main part is a signaling system, which allows to send a request from a user to the system for establishing new connection with predefined quality of service assurance. In this paper we present trial results of the proposed signalling system. The experiments were performed to measure setupdelay utilizing artificial call generator/analyzer. To obtain results we assumed different distributions of interarrival and call holding times based on the literature. The results show that the setup delay strongly depends on access time to net-work devices, however also on the assumed call holding time models.

Słowa kluczowe: computing,it,control