Network Resilience Analysis: Review of Concepts and a Country-Level Case Study

Kamola, M; Arabas, P

  • Computer Science;
  • Tom: 15;
  • Numer: 3;
  • Strony: 311-327;
  • 2014;

This paper presents the rationale behind performing an analysis of Internet re- silience in the sense of maintaining a connection of autonomous systems in the presence of failures or attacks — on a level of a single country. Next, the graph of a network is constructed that represents interconnections between autono- mous systems. The connectivity of the graph is examined for cases of link or node failure. Resilience metrics are proposed, focusing on a single autonomous system or on overall network reliability. The process of geographic location of networking infrastructure is presented, leading to an analysis of network resi- lience in the case of a joint failure of neighboring autonomous systems.

Słowa kluczowe: network resilience, valley-free path, autonomous system geolocation