Optimal Pump Scheduling by Linear Programming for Large Scale Water Transmission System

Błaszczyk, J; Krawczyk, K; Karbowski, A; Malinowski, K; Allidina, A

  • IX International Conference on Decision Support for Telecommunications and Information Society DSTIS;
  • Tom: -;
  • Strony: -;
  • 2011;

Large scale potable water transmission system considered in this paper is the Toronto Water System, one of the largest potable water supply networks in North America. The main objective of the ongoing Transmission Operations Optimizer project consists in developing an advanced tool for providing such pumping schedules for 153 pumps, that all quantitative requirements with respect to the system operation are met, while the energy costs are minimized. We describe here a linear, so-called Simplified Model (SM), based on mass-balance equations, which is solved on week horizon and delivers boundary conditions for so-called Full Model (FM), which is nonlinear and takes into account hydraulic phenomena and water quality.