Multisequence Alignment as a new tool for network traffic analysis

Fabjański, K; Kozakiewicz, A; Felkner, A; Kijewski, P; Kruk, T.

  • Prace Naukowe Politechniki Warszawskiej. Elektronika;
  • Tom: 160;
  • Strony: 59-70;
  • 2007;

This article presents a multiple sequence alignment as a method used for problems of motif finding [13] in network traffic collection. Based on multisequence alignment we will present two bioinformatics approaches for finding longest common subsequence (LCS) [14] of network traffic signatures collection. the article starts from presenting the description of pairwise alignment algorithms, goes through the examples of its implementation and then comes to the part related to bioinformatics methods. At the end, some preliminary results concerning Center Star method will be presented.