Network traffic routing using effective bandwidth theory

Kozakiewicz, A; Malinowski, K

  • European Transactions on Telecommunications;
  • Tom: 20;
  • Numer: 7;
  • Strony: 660-667;
  • 2009;

Optimal routing in a packet network is a difficult task—the amount of connections makes per-connection routing impractical and even using aggregated connections global optimisation in the network is infeasible. The currently used algorithms are therefore suboptimal heuristics, using shortest path computation instead of e.g. throughput optimisation. The quality of obtained results depends on the selected link weights, but optimisation of those is again a difficult mixed integer-programming problem. In this paper we discuss some proposed heuristics using the results of large deviation analysis (effective bandwidths) for throughput optimisation. The more advanced approach to traffic modelling uses more of the available information and potentially allows for finding better solutions. The presented algorithms are tested through simulation and discussion of the results is included. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Słowa kluczowe: it,control,